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Melbourne Quarter即將竣工, 建築細節一絲不苟, 用材品質卓絕!

當南半球被疫情籠罩,大家都在唏噓股市崩盤,澳幣跌出新低。 對未來一片茫然之時,這世界的不確定性似乎隨著互聯網輿論與脆弱的金融體系開始搖擺。 當銀行帳戶裡的數位都可能隨著通貨膨脹縮水,除了實業似乎很難找到更好的避險選擇。

作為股票投資者,或許你難以預料2個月後你的本金會變成多少,如果你經營著一家餐廳,經過這幾個月的疫情過境,你不知道2個月後你的生意是否還是顧客盈門。 然而瞬息萬變,人來人往的城市中,矗立不變的是林立的高樓,鋼筋水泥的堅固保障。

今年5月中,墨爾本市中心黃金位置的Melbourne Quarter即將竣工交房。 即將喜提租金收益的買家自然欣喜,如果你還不知道口袋中的錢應該流向哪裡保值,就先來看看讓你無法拒絕的Melbourne Quarter吧。

今年2月中,在澳洲疫情尚未明朗的時候,我們從悉尼飛往墨爾本,專程參觀和考察Melbourne Quarter的施工進度和品質,從業十餘年的同事都不禁被這井然有序的工地和品質卓越的用材震撼。




作為墨爾本市中心毗鄰各高端寫字樓的罕見住宅專案,9米高的大堂的效果圖足見氣派。 而親臨現場,觸摸到義大利空運來的大理石,才感受到真實的震撼。


效果圖裡賞心悅目的游泳池和健身房也初見雛形。 整齊排布的管道,嚴絲合縫的防水層,這樣精緻的施工團隊,讓人倍感安心。




除了讓人目不暇接的各種樓內設施,每一個公寓都用盡心思,精益求精。 如果你沒有買過Lendlease的房, 就會錯過這樣一絲不苟的澳洲品質。






本次驗房過程,我們不僅僅是關心樓宇外觀和軟裝部分,甚至打開天花板,仔細幫各位業主朋友查看了水管安裝情況。 MQ專案里的水管都用保溫層服帖整齊的包裹住。 和負責大廈建築質量總監聊到這個細節,才知道原委-Lendlease 每幢建築都力求環保節能,冷熱水的水龍頭切換,如果沒有保溫層包裹,很容易形成需要熱水時,往往需要打開很長時間冷水,可能瞬間還有熱水燙傷的風險。 用了保溫層就解決了冷熱水自由切換,瞬間可以出熱水的效果,即節能又節約水資源。

住在MQ, 連廚房整體設計製造都來自義大利櫥櫃之王—Snaidero. Snaidero 始創於1946年,作為世界頂級櫥櫃品牌,一直引領著歐洲乃至世界廚房傢俱的發展, 2014年推出的OLA 25限量版,更是首次將法拉利跑車F-50的設計概念延伸進了廚房設計,讓世界歎為觀止。 我們的MQ 每家每戶廚房均來自義大利手工製造Snaidero 廚房,公共會客廳更是升級到高端Snaidero 配套,讓每位入住MQ的賓客,享受烹飪極致體驗。

MQ 每戶衛生間都是在澳洲蘭工廠一體化設計生產,甚至從昆士蘭工廠出品運往墨爾本的貨車上都有裝載平衡儀檢測,確保一體化衛生間送達墨爾本MQ目的地開箱安裝時,達到零損耗標準。小到每顆螺絲的細節都是Lendlease品質。


為什麼Lendlease的建築品質是整個澳洲建築行業的標杆和旗幟? 原來在整幢大廈建造初期,光結構工程部分,除了Lendlease 認定的結構工程行業老大Robert Bird Group 進行整幢大樓結構核算以外,在維州還有獨立第三方結構工程公司需要進行複審,如此嚴密的施工管理, 無疑是Lendlease 品牌深得人心的原因。

整幢MQ內裝品牌供應商都選擇擁有深厚歷史沉澱的品牌:Caelli construction 擁有40年歷史;MQ 地板供應商Embelton 擁有94年歷史;MQ地毯品牌Godfrey Hirst 擁有154年悠久歷史 ;廚房電器品牌Miele擁有120年歷史;廚房櫥櫃選擇了義大利櫥櫃之王Snaidero 73年歷史! 這些大品牌共同入駐MQ,為每位MQ住戶提供極致入住體驗。

除此以外,MQ開發管理團隊和品質監管團隊都分別有6位重量級大佬負責,成交時都有專門settlement manager- Belinda Wong 悉心電話或微信聯繫每位尊貴MQ 客戶,隨時報備成交資訊。


為了讓我們的客戶更放心,省心。 除了地產銷售之外,鼎豐集團還提供租賃服務。 鼎豐集團在墨爾本的租賃分部已經成立5年,分部位於Docklands。 我們的租賃分部致力於為業主提供從銷售到出租的一條龍,全方位服務。

墨爾本租賃分部成 立的這5年,我們除了積累了許多寶貴經驗與資源,還有許多優勢。 其中包括:

01 與開發商的深度合作

鼎豐與眾多開發商均有合作,僅墨爾本就有500套公寓由我們負責管理。其中Lendlease的項目佔比非常大,我們之間合作無間, Lendlease經常需要鼎豐提供的數據來完善之後的項目設計。這樣的開發商資源,可以幫助我們的客人爭取到許多優勢,比如,如果客人發現房子的一些小問題,開發商幾乎可以第一時間來進行檢查與維修,以此保持對客人最優質的服務與房屋品質。

02 優越的地理位置

由我們管理的樓盤,基本都分佈在我們Office附近。 我們見證了墨爾本的發展與改革,並且可以獲取第一手的周邊資訊。 這樣優越的地理位置,保證了我們可以第一時間趕到由我們管理的物業。

03 豐富的物管資源

由於我們管理大量的公寓,所以我們與物管公司高管和大樓經理都保持著親密的合作關係。 我們與物管之間資訊透明,且我們墨爾本租賃分部的負責人Elvis是每棟樓的物業管理會員之一,這樣保證了住戶安全與穩定,還有效幫助業主監督並彙報每棟大樓的未來動向。

04 勤勉自律,積極尋找租客

我們一周工作6天,從週一至週六, 有需要時甚至包括周日,只要客人有需求,我們都可以安排租客看房。

05 交房之時可做開放,提前尋找租客

與我們合作的開發商通常會挑選1-3個房子作為展示用房,所以在交房初期,我們可以從開發商處拿到鑰匙,為潛在租戶做開放,務求在交房前為業主找到優質租客。 聯繫您的鼎豐銷售顧問,獲取leasing agreement, 快人一步享受現金流。

06 擁有龐大的租客信息


MQ詳細成交時間安排 (如因疫情時間安排有調整,以開發商通知為準)







MQ 30 層及30層以上單位成交時間預計:


關於Melbourne Quarter Settlement的疑問,或獲取租賃協議,歡迎垂詢您身邊的Apex鼎豐置業顧問。

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Sydney’s most expensive residence sold for more than $140 million

A deal worth more than $140 million for the most expensive residence in Australia has been inked for the top three floors of Lendlease’s yet-to-be-built Tower 1 development at Barangaroo South.

The off-the-plan sale includes the two-storey penthouse atop the Renzo Piano-designed building and a sub-penthouse directly below.

Independent sources say the two apartments were purchased in one line by a local who is expected to make the penthouse their home when completed in late 2023 and use the sub-penthouse as separate living quarters.


The result tops all of Australia’s previous house and apartment records, including the $100 million sale last year for the Point Piper estate Fairwater to tech billionaire Mike Cannon-Brookes and James Packer’s $60 million purchase of a two-storey apartment in 2017 in Crown Resorts’ One Barangaroo next door.

Plans for the 1600-square-metre mega-penthouse include nine bedrooms, a dramatic entry foyer, eight-metre-high ceilings, a rooftop swimming pool, spa, gymnasium and a vast main bedroom that is equal in size to many family homes.

Despite the vast internal footprint, the sale eclipses the $100,000 per square metre level, topping the previous per square metre record of $96,400 set in 2017 when a 280-square-metre penthouse in the Opera Residences development at Circular Quay sold off-the-plan to the Salteri family.


Tower 1 is the tallest of three buildings in the One Sydney Harbour development, all of which were designed by Pritzker Prize-winning architect Renzo Piano, whose landmark contributions include The Shard building in London and the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris.

Infrastructure giant Lendlease has commenced work on Tower 1 and the slightly smaller Tower 2 following approval in 2017. Planning records show Tower 1 is set to be 247 metres high with 317 apartments approved over 72 levels.

Tower 2 is planned to include 297 apartments and spread through 60 levels with a glazed pedestrian walkway connecting it to Tower 1.

Earlier this month, the state’s Independent Planning Commission approved the development application of the third, final building, a 30-storey residential and retail building with 210 apartments despite reservations by the City of Sydney.

Rumours of the record sale were confirmed only on Friday by a source who said there had been multiple whole-floor apartment sales in the building already.

Lendlease declined to comment for this story but confirmed the deal on Saturday morning, and released three artist’s impressions after this story was published.


The Barangaroo precinct’s newly approved towers have claimed a slew of residential records in recent years dwarfing sales by the tens of millions of dollars in established apartment and housing markets.

Last year, veteran venture capitalist Bob Blann exchanged more than $40 million for a whole-floor apartment a few levels above Packer’s two-storey apartment in Crown Resorts’ Barangaroo One.

It is a far cry from the previous long-held apartment record of $16.8 million set when the Moran family bought atop the Bennelong building at Circular Quay from car dealer Ray Lintott in 2008.

That record stood until 2013 when Will Vicars, chief investment officer of funds manager Caledonia Investments, bought adjoining penthouses in the Bondi Pacific building overlooking Bondi Beach for $21 million.

New and off-the-plan residences offer a greater appeal to international buyers because they are usually sold with an exemption certificate meaning foreigners do not require approval from the Foreign Investment Review Board.

The Tower 1 sale is expected to offer a much-needed boost to Sydney’s trophy home market, which has suffered from a distinct lack of high-end listings and sales this year compared with last year’s bull run of sales.

In the first half of this year, there were only a handful of sales in the $20-million-plus range, but in recent weeks three trophy houses have sold for more than $30 million.

Earlier this week, steel billionaire Sanjeev Gupta exchanged about $35 million to buy the historic Potts Point mansion Bomera from Leanne Catelan, daughter of the late property data entrepreneur Ray Catelan.

Earlier this month, high-profile plastic surgeon Michael Miroshnik sold his Vaucluse property for more than $35 million to Sunny Ngai, the son of the late toilet paper king Henry Ngai. That came just days after Westpac board member Steve Harker sold his waterfront home in Point Piper for more than $40 million.

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